If you'd like to have a secret, fantasy or story posted here please send it to me for consideration at barrysquotations(at)gmail(dot)com. Any subject is welcomed, all submissions will be treated with the strictest privacy and posted anonymously unless you wish to be identified.
Monday, February 28, 2011
"I'm close friends with an ex of mine... it was the hardest break up, because most often, I'm the one that breaks up with ex's.. not the other way around... well this ex is a HUGE flirt and always tries to hang out... the ex will randomly send pictures and invite me over, I have never gone over, but I have sent pictures back and it makes me feel horrible, because I'm in a relationship..."
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Secret Sunday
Hi guys, it's 2:30am and we just got back from dinner and a hot tub outside in the snow at our neighbour's. What a great night!
Welcome to the seventh round of Secret Sunday, a chance to share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) I don't plan to censor content or language. However I do reserve the right not to post anything which appears to be submitted with the sole intent of offending. I also reserve the right to include submissions that may be considered controversial. It's a fine line sometimes.
3) I'd like everyone to please refrain from negatively commenting on what someone else has written; what may seem trivial to you can be very personal to someone else. Everyone has feelings and I want to see them respected, therefore I won't be posting inappropriate comments.
4) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. You may copy the rules if you wish.
And now to it...
Friday, February 25, 2011
When I saw this photo of my friend I just knew I had to post it here. I simply love this, and had an immediate reaction to it. Fortunately she's the kind of person who doesn't mind hearing about it. Thanks Stef!
It's My Birthday, Baby!!
Someone call the fire department. (I know you ladies just looove big hot sweaty firemens).
If I could have anything for my birthday I'd ask to have all of you in my life for another year, that a year from now I may wish the same.
You guys are awesome, I love you.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sexual Bucket List
I got this from a blogging friend who got it from another who....well you get the idea. This list is geared towards women so I had to get creative when answering it, guys you'll have to do the same. I won't answer mine here since I'm not anonymous, although I can see some interesting discussions taking place with those of you I know well. So, how many have you done? What's on your bucket list?
- Kiss a girl
- Have anal
- Have a threesome
- Engage in group sex
- Have phone sex
- Masturbate
- Use a vibrator
- Use a sex toy on someone else
- Be tied up
- Tie someone up
- Have sex in a public space
- Be a voyeur and watch others having sex (live, porn does not count)
- Sex in a car
- Sex at a drive-in
- Mile-high club
- Sex with a stranger
- One-night stand
- Married sex
- Sex on a boat
- Sex in a body of water
- Light spanking
- Read erotica
- Play strip poker/Monopoly/card game
- Sex in the shower
- Sex standing up against a wall
- Sex with no kissing
- Sex in the pitch black
- Sex in the broad daylight
- Making out with no sex long after you're no longer a virgin
- Sex in a tent in the wilderness
- Watch porn together
- Watch porn alone
- Learn to give yourself multiple orgasms
- Sex on the beach
- Blindfolds
- Using ice sexually
- Sexual role play
- Whipped cream
- La Perla lingerie sex
- Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie sex
- Sex with someone much older
- Sex with someone younger (legal!)
- Sex in a foreign country, possibly with a foreigner
- A quickie in a skirt
- A longie in the rain
- Sex in the ocean while people swim all around you
- Feather ticklers
- Sex while "altered" whether by alcohol or something else
- Learn to orgasm in less than five minutes from intercourse alone
- Silent sex in a full house
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Secret Sunday
Hey everybody. I woke up to sunshine this morning, the snow's melting and the stupid dog next door is barking. Yup, feels like Spring's just around the corner!
Welcome to the sixth round of Secret Sunday, a chance to share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) I don't plan to censor content or language. However I do reserve the right not to post anything which appears to be submitted with the sole intent of offending. I also reserve the right to include submissions that may be considered controversial. It's a fine line sometimes.
3) I'd like everyone to please refrain from negatively commenting on what someone else has written; what may seem trivial to you can be very personal to someone else. Everyone has feelings and I want to see them respected, therefore I won't be posting inappropriate comments.
4) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. You may copy the rules if you wish.
And now to it...
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Secret Sunday
The day's almost over and I can't believe I missed posting this earlier! Lots going on today.
Welcome to the fifth round of Secret Sunday, a chance to share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) I don't plan to censor content or language. However I do reserve the right not to post anything which appears to be submitted with the sole intent of offending. I also reserve the right to include submissions that may be considered controversial. It's a fine line sometimes.
3) I'd like everyone to please refrain from negatively commenting on what someone else has written; what may seem trivial to you can be very personal to someone else. Everyone has feelings and I want to see them respected, therefore I won't be posting inappropriate comments.
4) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. You may copy the rules if you wish.
And now to it...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
"I'm trying to love myself but all the negative things ever said is all I keep focusing on. I feel as if that is who I am even though I know I'm not a horrible person I just can't believe it because my mind is focused on the bad. I simply want to love myself again."
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Secret Sunday
As I type this I'm shaking off the effects from our tiki party last night. It was definitely the best we've thrown so far with lots of friends, laughs and alcohol. Take a look here to see some of what went on.
It's time for the fourth round of Secret Sunday, a chance to share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) I don't plan to censor content or language. However I do reserve the right not to post anything which appears to be submitted with the sole intent of offending. I also reserve the right to include submissions that may be considered controversial. It's a fine line sometimes.
3) I'd like everyone to please refrain from negatively commenting on what someone else has written; what may seem trivial to you can be very personal to someone else. Everyone has feelings and I want to see them respected, therefore I won't be posting inappropriate comments.
4) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. You may copy the rules if you wish.
And now to it...
Friday, February 4, 2011
Help Me Keep This Blog Alive!
Okay guys I need some help here. Things at The Secret Garden are kept very informal, there's not much I won't post but for obvious reasons since I'm so visible there's only so much I can write myself. I'm getting low on contributed posts and this is where you come in.
I need some input on what you'd like to see here. What topics you'd like covered, what interests you, what doesn't. Would you like to see less photos? More? If so, what subjects?
What are your experiences? I'd love to get more contributions from anyone reading whether you're a follower or casual reader, I'm very open-minded and there isn't much I haven't heard. If you care to send something by e-mail it'll be appreciated, your identity will be kept completely confidential and if I use your submission it will be posted anonymously. Otherwise if you'd prefer you can send me any suggestions by anonymous comment.
I have some ideas for this blog but it won't last without you.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
One Woman's Experience Of Orgasm
The topics of conversation with some of my blogging friends have varied widely; from relationships to self-esteem and self-image, to searching for direction in life and generally just trying to make sense of it all. Occasionally, with those of you who are most comfortable, the subject of sexuality comes up along the way.
These moments have taught me a lot. Books are one thing but nothing compares to first-hand accounts, and it's flattering to be trusted enough to share your experiences with me. I'm also very lucky to have a relationship in which my wife and I allow each other freedom to discuss such things with others. I wouldn't have these conversations without Sandy's consent, she's been amazing.
This is another woman's account, in her own words, of how she experiences orgasm...
"YES YES YES there is a difference between clitoral and vaginal orgasms! I don’t know about anal, because honestly, my husband and I have only tried that once, and I am not comfortable enough to say it was real ‘sex’ – more a trial of sorts… but the other two I can speak to.
Surface, easier to get to, very powerful, sends bolts of electricity through your system. You have to relax yourself for it, because it is easily overwhelming. There are moments where I say ‘I can’t’ because the sensation is just too much, but that just means it can’t be rushed. It takes its own time, you have to be ready to accept the building stimulation. Your partner has to be aware when to slow down, when to speed up, degree of pressure, man, I’m making this sound like a science when it’s really an art, lol. That is the orgasm to arch your back, to send you into whole body convulsions. It can be singular or multiple, but I think that’s with anything and anyone – just depends on the situation. The electric jabs pull all energy towards your clit and the moment you come, you can feel the muscles throbbing, like something foreign inside you, you have no control, you release, and let your body take you along for the ride.
Alrighty, here we go, my (as well as many other women) elusive orgasm. From what I understand, every woman’s g-spot location is slightly different, but generally the same. There is a line in ‘The Best Man’ – “that pussy curves to my dick” which was always so friggen hilarious, but raw, and so true. I’ve never said so explicitly before but my lover was designed to please me. I’ll be honest, he’s not more well endowed than my husband. He is a little longer, but not as thick, whereas my husband is THICK, but not as long. And when we’re talking length here, I’m not talking about a ridiculous difference. Maybe an inch at most. But, my husband’s erection is perfectly straight, and the base of it is low. Now while my lover's is straight, the ‘base’ is a little higher. (I know this is TMI for a guy, but it’s all relevant). Now I never knew this, but in order for a man to hit my spot, I have to straddle him. And when I do, my lover can raise up beneath me just a little, in a certain way, and when he moves, he can hit it, stimulate it, and (I know I’ve said this before) it’s like a switch – he can turn my vision off. I fucking black out. My entire body goes numb. I mean, if I had to visually imagine, it’s like the physical me is gone, I just feel the orgasm deep within my abdomen, which is what I would liken to the first gush of cum, but sustained, and it radiates out, all the way up to your brain, and just paralyzes you. I swear, I can’t continue sex during that moment. It doesn’t last long, like maybe a minute, the blacking out is just a few seconds, and then I can resume, after collecting myself."
If anyone cares to e-mail me or comment (anonymously of course), I'm curious to know how this compares to your experience.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A Greater Understanding- Anorexia
I'm reposting this from my Life In Quotations blog, as part of my "Greater Understanding" series. These posts introduce things in life that many of us may never experience, through the words of some of you who live them. They're not always comfortable to talk about, not always pleasant, but I really believe we need to open more dialogue if we're ever to understand what people are going through. It's the only way to create empathy and compassion. If you have experienced or are experiencing something you'd like to help others understand, please drop me an e-mail. I promise to keep you anonymous.
This is written by a blogging friend who is battling anorexia. I only met her late last year, yet in a very short time we've forged a close connection. Knowing someone so unselfishly willing to give, to turn their insides out, has been one of the most intense experiences I've ever had. It's something I hold tightly to. Knowing, knowing...
This is her life in her own words, exactly as she wrote them to me. No edits...
"There have been days where, astonished, I've realised that I seem to be, forever, completely,
engulfed by this wondrous disease. Anorexia, my mind will whir; the sweet word rolling around my tongue hotly, dangerously. It seems absurd. Nothing is forever, is it?
Then the thought will have vanished, just as a speck of dust caught in the wind. A slippery thing, I never gave the word a second thought; for how could any one person's entire existence be fit into the definition of one word?
And the day will go on, seasons will change, the seconds will pass; time stops for no one. I am simply one spot, in the cogs of time, in the work of life. Perhaps I will think of it again tomorrow, perhaps I will think of it again next year.
But that word, and all that it brings; the sudden realisation, that I am a diagnosis. I am tainted, I am tweeked somehow, so that I differ from the others, I differ from what they call Normal, Healthy. I am Anorexia, and all of it's symptoms, its' weights, it's responsibilities and rules, the terms and regulations; I am suddenly nothing, but a statistic.
How can an entire life; and entire person, for that matter, be changed so definitely and completely, in the split second of a thought stumbled upon accidentally? No, no it can't be right. Perhaps something else.
So I will continue on, through my day; the endless rhythm I am defined by. I wake, eyes crinkled, face creased with the folds of the pillow, the tosses and turns of a disturbed, dreamless sleep, prepare the corners of my body, pack my school bag and pack my thoughts; all folded neatly, and contained, in the bag and the mind that I prepare to take to school. Zipped, and sealed, carefully placed, careful so that none of the delicate belongings I cling to will spill out, vulnerable to the rest of the world. Most precious belongings shoved to the bottom of my bag, just as the most fragile of my thoughts are buried beneath those layers and layers of others.
It is an unspoken rule; one I have known and acknowledged since I learnt the difference between thoughts spoken aloud, and thoughts kept inside. Those that are vulnerable, should be kept inside; deep, deep inside. Those that are accepted, should be spoken out loud.
There wasn't a single day I realised I was, had become, or had always been perhaps, 'Anorexic'.
I am forever realising it again and again.
The lovely distortions I see reflected in the mirror.
The pale of my once olive skin, the fading of my once pink cheeks.
The dull of my hair, and eventually, what I will come to terms with; the loss of my hair.
The ridiculous way my body will grow hair over my smooth skin to keep warm when I am forever trembling, but have not the strength nor the nutrition to keep the hair on my head.
The blue of my nails, of my fingers.
The blood I will spit in the sink, the weak cough that will lead to this frail body buckled, trembling under the force of something that had begun as small as a cough.
The tears I haven't the strength to cry.
The cold, that will keep by my side through thick and thin, through winter and summer.
The days and nights spent hating myself.
Wishing for sweet release, for escape. For death.
And yet here I am; spidery thin fingers whirling across these keys, sipping iced water, unflinching, unmoved.
I know all this.
Hair pushed back, limp and thin. Cut short, because I couldn't bear to see such long, beautiful hair lose its' shine with every day
I continued living.
Nails cut short, because the less I have, the less there is to look after.
I know, I know.
I am the prettiest contradiction; a girl lost in a world she hates, and enveloped in an obsession she ridicules.
Perhaps it was the day I cried, a sweet, ripe age, perhaps maybe seven at the most, for hours in my room, such bitter, mean words spat at me from the cold lips of my father. Lazy, fat, slob, all of it. Or perhaps it was the day I stood, shivering in my underwear, in front of my new full length mirror, years afterward; the tremendously fragile age of fourteen, those same words stirring in my own mind, from my own, pink, naive, lips.
Perhaps, perhaps. Is there any one day I decided to diet, to begin that never ending diet?
Is there any consolation in the swelling of pride I so willingly become enveloped by, each time my jeans slide down my hips a little further, a little easier; each time I return to the clothes store, a size smaller? Did I sell my soul for a size zero pair of denim jeans?
The blood that runs through my veins is tainted, it has been poisoned with something I cannot live with, yet somehow cannot live without.
There are those who will not recover, there are those who do not want to recover.
Those souls who have sworn themselves to the lovely Goddess, Ana.
Those, who know nothing of themselves, but of what they cannot eat, what they cannot drink.
Deprivation becomes everything, in a world where indulgence is for the weak, dependence is for the damned.
We don't need food, they will whisper proudly, in the dark of the night.
We need nothing but air, and water.
And when that heavy feeling floods their stomach with each sip of water, they will whimper, realising again and again that they need to be empty, to be pure. Suddenly, water becomes poison.
A diet of 200 calories which turned into 100 calories, only then to slowly slide to zero calories, is somehow more than a diet, more than a phase. A lifestyle, perhaps.
I won't lose myself, I whisper, in the dead of the night, over and over again.
I, will not, lose myself.
Recovery is dangerous.
Recovery can pull you from the depths, and bring you back to life. But if gone about the wrong way, Recovery can simply bring you above the surface, give you a gasp of that sweet, full air, then throw you over the edge of the cliff, and watch you plunge deeper than ever before, into the icy cold waters of Anorexia.
Recovery needs to be planned, to be measured, to be precise.
We fear venturing to the kitchen for a sandwich, because we are terrified we will devour the entire cupboard.
Those of us who have tried recovery, tried again and again, have lost hope, and found hope again... Those of us who are
still to try again, I have hope for.
But for now, this is what we've got, this is all we've got.
We are okay, because we need to be okay... Because if we're not okay, then what have we got?
There isn't a day I can pinpoint when I became the property of Anorexia. There isn't a day that I'm even completely sure, that I am.
Nothing is certain in life; nothing is certain in Anorexia.
Perhaps what I fear is that I will wake in the morning, for this to all have been a diet; simply, a diet. To have lost so much, to a diet.
Though again; perhaps what I fear the most, is that I will wake, and realise entirely... That this is not a diet, at all. And I will fall, completely hopeless, faithless... To the certainty, of such a realisation.
We float in the uncertainty, waiting for a better tomorrow. For a stronger today.
We float about... And for the moment, the most important thing is, that we are here".
To the sweet soul who wrote this, you're defined not by your disease but by your friendship. You've found strength in the face of weakness to fight through until tomorrow. And tomorrow again.
I hope to share many, many more tomorrows with you.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Ten Of My Favourite Memories
I was thinking on the weekend about some of sexiest, most playful and erotic moments of my life. I've decided to list ten of them here. The rest won't appear on these pages, or if they do it'll be anonymously. After all, I have to keep some things private...
- The girl in the leopardskin bikini bottom on the beach in the French Riviera. Standing topless with her back to me, long flowing hair, bronzed skin. Wonderful.
- The events surrounding "Unforgettable"
- The girl with the pert turned-up nose, threadbare-bottomed jeans and sweet smile at the CNE Exhibition (fair) in Toronto. I was with a buddy, she was with her boyfriend and we were simply strangers passing. One quick turn and a smile from her was all it took to make me remember that moment half a lifetime later.
- Sandy and I getting trapped in the bathroom of her parent's home with her mother standing outside the door, unaware that we were both inside getting it on.
- Having sex with a girlfriend with her house in sight as I drove her home
- The girl in the sheer lemon yellow sundress, her body silhoutted by the blazing summer sun behind her. It was an indescribably beautiful moment.
- Sandy and I trying to fool around in a shower the size of a phone booth while we were on vacation. It was probably the funniest, unsexiest thing we've ever tried.
- The young woman in the bookstore sprawled on the floor of the aisle like a child, oblivious to all around her. Completely engulfed in a book as she flipped the pages. She was a free-spirit, and I couldn't help but stand captivated as I watched her.
- Having sex with a girlfriend in a motel pool courtyard at 2am. Steam rising off the water in the cool summer air, the possibility of being watched. It was magical.
- Our night at the strip club last Fall.
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