If you'd like to have a secret, fantasy or story posted here please send it to me for consideration at barrysquotations(at)gmail(dot)com. Any subject is welcomed, all submissions will be treated with the strictest privacy and posted anonymously unless you wish to be identified.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The End of This Blog? Tell Me What You Think

 Lately I've been in a dry spell, and I'm trying to decide whether to keep cultivating this garden. I began it as a way of expressing my sexual side, but since I'm readily identifiable there's only so much I choose to share publicly and I feel this may have run its course.

  So I'm turning this to you, your comments will determine whether I keep it going. Have you enjoyed reading this blog?  What did you like/ dislike?  If I do keep it up what would you like to see on these pages? I have no idea how many people are reading me here so any feedback is welcomed.  I'd love to hear from you anonymously or otherwise, here or by e-mail.


  1. I think that if the blog has served its purpose, and you don't feel it is worthwhile anymore, then you should close it.

    It's hard to keep it going if your heart is not into it. Lately I found my energy and ideas from joining challenges and communities (poetry and writing). It's fun making new friends.

    Happy sunday ~

  2. I've been wanting to pull the plug for 2 months, but haven't. I even find myself barely commenting on other blogs, and I know comments are what motivate a blogger to carry on.

    I think the main thing is to write for you and when you want it. Don't let it become a chore.

  3. I like it, but it is your choice. I'll keep reading your other blogs.

  4. If you're looking for inspiration, there's this site called Sex is Not the Enemy, it's beautiful. Check it out. http://sexisnottheenemy.tumblr.com/page/9

  5. I will keep reading when I am able as well.
